Do you think maybe just for today, we could ignore the world?
And we could rebuke the lies that are spoken against us each day?
And we could eat without guilt over the calories?
Do you think maybe just for today, we could ignore the world?
And could we put away the measuring tape, and not let it touch our waist?
And could we smile with pride, instead of hiding in shame?
Do you think maybe just for today we could ignore the world?
The world that tells us how small to be, or how big to me
The world that tells us what is pretty and what is not
Do you think maybe just for today we could ignore the world?
And we would realize how much more there is too life than beauty?
And we would realize how lucky we are to be able to even breathe today?
Do you think maybe just for today, we could ignore the world?
And feel good enough?
Do you think maybe tomorrow too we could look in the mirror and see nothing but beautiful….