
november 2009

and the lightest snowflake lands on the middle of the windshield.
i know its over, yet i still sit there and hear the stories of how he is who he was.
the car is getting cold, i can almost see my breath.
i wonder what would happen if i just stopped breathing.
right here.
in this car.
i want to get out, i want to run.
i want to scream.
i can't.
i watch the snowflakes falling, i engulf them in my mind to get myself out of the desert i am in. when the snow is falling and everything is silent i think i can do it.
there is a moment in that silence that makes you feel stronger than you ever have.
the snowflake begins to disappear and with it the realization of the strength i thought i had.
the lightest snowflake lands on the middle of the windshield, and i know it's over, yet i still sit there, watching my breath.